

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Happy Sunday to all.  I have not been a very good blogger of late.  Been very busy getting ready for Fall shows.  I do post on Facebook quite often, would love  it if you would like me there.  The summer here has been quite pleasant until the last week.  It turned very hot and humid, but it is summer.  Hope everyone is having a great holiday.  We are off to my Sis's for a BBQ this afternoon.

Here are a few of the things I have finished.  Had a lot of fun making the jewelry.  The little bags are great for shopping at flea markets, auctions, estate sales, etc.  I made a couple for my Sis and I quite a while ago, we use them all the time.

This is the needle keep I made for myself several years ago.  I would be lost without it.  The little green velvet heart pincushion is a new addition to my collection.

Thanks to all for stopping by.
